Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Glamour of Book Writing: Revisions

This is what I have been doing for the past week. It has been cold in the city so most mornings I even pulled out the space heater to warm my toes as I clutched a warm cup of coffee or tea and set to work revising the first six (six!) chapters of the book.

It is messy and overwhelming. My head and eyes hurt at the end of every day. I have been thankful for summer months that provide juicy nectarines to pick me up in the afternoon, berries for smoothies, and lots of things that don't require cooking or thinking at all.

Cookies and ice cream have often been dreamed about in the past week, but I am trying to abstain. Some days it works.

What do you cook and crave to help get you though the messy moments in life? Things here have been a tad intense around here, and cooking has not been at the top of our list. I am glad for a well stocked pantry that allows for lots of last minute meals.

P.S. Yes, that is our dining room table. Around 4:30 each day, all those piles and papers magically go away. It is very Mary Poppins-esque.

1 comment:

Sprouted Kitchen said...

please let me know your trick of abstaining from cookies. work snacks need to be easy and clean for the fingers... you must try dark choc covered pretzels, they fit the bill like cookies for these situations!