Thursday, November 20, 2008

To-Don't List

There are some mornings when my to-do list becomes my to-don't list. Sadly this is usually the days when I have the most to do, when the procrastination bug should not come calling. But then there are the days when I realize I don't really have that much to do and that it might be ok if I hung around and was lazy for just a few more minutes... or hours.
Today was such a morning. There was more fog, more cold. This is what I was supposed to do: pop out of bed, go to the store for coffee, come home, eat breakfast, make coffee, re-read Ch 1 edits, leave home and go to Post Office, Kinkos, Gym. Or something like that.
This is what I did: get up and put on brand new cozy knit hat (so perfect for cold mornings). Decide not to go get coffee. Sulk for a few minutes about having no coffee and decide to drink tea, Irish Breakfast tea with the last of my milk and a heavy dosing of sugar, just like they do in Ireland. Check e-mail. Read love note. Swoon. Wish I had someone to eat breakfast with or at least something warm to eat for breakfast. Decide to make pancakes and start cooking beans that had been soaking on the counter all night long. Eat pancakes with syrup, drink tea, watch tea as it steams into the cold air of the cold house and listen to the sound of my black and white speckled beans bubbling on the stove.
There's just something about making a list that makes me feel as if I've gotten a lot done, even if its nothing I ever intended to do.

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