Friday, July 06, 2012

Summer Reading

I've been plowing through books lately, and consuming them with the same frantic, never-come-up-for-air feeling that I remember from childhood. Back then, I used to check out a dozen books from the library and then descend into the basement for a cool, dark escape. I'd spend days down there, only coming up to eat, run through the sprinklers, or to return to the library for more books.

These days my reading time is more limited. I'm lucky if I get in thirty minutes before sleep (I'm talking book reading, people. I read a lot of blogs and articles during the day. My favorite form of procrastination!)

But one of the best parts of vacation is that there is always time for reading. While in Point Reyes I developed a delicious habit: A mid to late afternoon long hike, followed by a shower and then a long (two hours, plus) cocktail hour devoted to book reading and wine sipping. Finally, when my glass was empty, my stomach gnawing, and a chapter finished I'd go in search of dinner. Just like I did when I was a kid.

Over the past couple of weeks I've devoured Rules of Civility, Bringing Up Bebe, Turn of Mind, and Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place.

On the 4th of July I finished reading The Help (I can't wait to finally watch the movie!) And now, two days later, I'm trolling around for something new. This is on my nightstand, but last night I fell asleep while reading The New Yorker article about Ben Stiller. I also want to re-read Coming To My Senses, which I first read earlier this year in proof and adored.

What's on your summer reading list?


Tea said...

This year I started working my way through the BBC Big Read list--200 of the world's most loved novels. It's a great list (Wind in the Willows AND War and Peace) and I've loved venturing off into other worlds. It's caused me to read some classics I somehow skipped, and discover some authors I never knew.

But this weekend I'm diving into book two and three of The Hunger Games (guilty pleasures). Then back to Growing a Farmer, a ton of gardening books, and some Ann Patchett.

Were you just in Pt. Reyes, or were you at Mesa? Either way: heavenly. xox

Anne Zimmerman said...

We were in Point Reyes for almost two whole weeks. Talk about a guilty pleasure. It was sublime! This grey SF summer just isn't doing it for me right now...

What Ann Patchett are you reading? She's a longtime favorite of mine.

Ann said...

Right now my bedtime reading is Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson, to be followed by After the Ecstacy, the Laundry by Jack Kornfield. I'm sensing a connection here...

Ann said...

My bedtime reading is currently Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson, to be followed by Jack Kornfield's After the Ecstasy, the Laundry. I'm seeing a connection here...

Anne Zimmerman said...

I love that title -- Home Comforts. I'm looking it up now.

Anne Zimmerman said...

How embarrassing. I just realized I OWN Home Comforts. A great reference book, but it might stress me out if I was reading it at bedtime ;)

Ursula said...

WILD was every bit as good as the hype. Also on my list is GONE GIRL, which is supposed to be fantastic. Miss you! xo

Ursula said...

WILD definitely lived up to the hype. Also on my list: GONE GIRL, which is supposed to be terrific. Happy reading! Miss you! xo

Anne Zimmerman said...

Urs, Cheryl Strayed was reading in Pt Reyes the weekend we were there! Sean and I went out to dinner for our anniversary instead, but I saw her the next morning getting coffee from Toby's Feed Barn. I think I probably should have said hello --? But what's life without a little regret?