Thursday, June 25, 2009

Eating Cake Outside

I have been MIA for a week. What, pray tell, was I doing? Not writing a book, that's for sure.

I have been eating outside.

The sun shone for five straight days in San Francisco. That is a rare thing, they tell me. I was lucky enough to have my mom in town which meant there was a string of warm summer days and nights spent running around the city. It required lots of fortification from various spots.

We ate sandwiches outside at the Ferry Plaza.
We ate cupcakes from Miette and drank Blue Bottle Coffee outside in Hayes Valley.
We drank Big Fire Dry Rose wine in the back yard alongside baby radishes, butter, and maldon salt.
We ate muesli and zucchini apricot bread outside at Tartine.
We ate more sandwiches and Bouchon chocolate corks outside in the park in St. Helena.
We ate hummingbird cupcakes and chocolate mocha cupcakes outside under a little umbrella in front of Love at First Bite Bakery in Berkeley.

Are you seeing the trend? Eat outside! Eat cake outside! And then go walk around a whole bunch so you can burn those calories and get hungry for yet another to-die-for alfresco meal.

There's nothing like wind whipping your hair into 7 minute frosting: sticky, messy, fun.

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