
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

An Extravagant Hunger in Paperback!

Yes, it's true! An Extravagant Hunger is now out in paperback. Same gorgeous cover but a little lighter, perfect for tucking into a beach bag, reading on the plane, or really curling up with. I know I like to bend back those book covers and dog ear favorite pages. You?

Because I'm so excited, I'm giving away a copy of the just-released paperback. Leave me a comment below sharing your best M.F.K. Fisher-esque food experience. Maybe it was a decadent meal with multiple courses, or perhaps it was the perfect summer peach. I'll chose a winner next Wednesday, February 8th, ok?

You can also help me celebrate by sharing this news -- and news of the giveaway-- on facebook, twitter, or the old fashioned way -- by buying a book to give to a friend, requesting it at your local library, or putting it in your book club queue.

Thanks so much for your support of this book -- If I could I'd invite you over for a chat over a hot mug of coffee and one of these. Maybe we can do that sometime soon?


  1. My best M.F.K. Fisher-esque food experience was this past Thanksgiving that we hosted for the first time. We strove to cook some untraditional (for Thanksgiving) dishes that were created with local, organic produce from the CSA share we had at the time. We ate and ate for hours and everyone was pleased!

  2. I remember traveling up to Michigan on a blistering summer day with my family to pick fresh blueberries. My sister and I ate more than we carried home and that day I felt truly connected to my food. After we drove home, we froze the blueberries and I ate them the next morning in a bowl of milk. That's it. Blueberries and milk and I couldn't get enough of them.

  3. A perfect soft-boiled egg and toast, enjoyed at home after your book-reading in LA. It was inspired by and infused with MFK.
    And of the first strawberries of summer, eaten straight out of the crate, and that first Oregon peach, eaten over the sink, looking out at the Willamette Valley from my kitchen window. And the onion soup I made last week using Belgian beer instead of broth (bc that is what I had on hand), which I slurped with friends while watching Downton Abbey. Not sure MFK would have approved of the nostalgia or the kedgeree of the show, but she would understand the pleasure of sharing food, a sofa and an experience with friends.

  4. I will tell everyone about it!!! So excited for you :)


  5. It was exploring Iceland and eating a rich lamb stew by the side of Selfoss waterfall...eating inside becasue the rain and wind were extreme. :)

  6. It was this past summer in Iran, where I was reunited with my paternal grandmother after 23 years apart! She made us a simple breakfast of lavash bread from the bakery down the street, unctuous and sharp feta cheese from local sheep, fresh walnuts (ever tried them? they are to die for) and big handfuls of fresh mint and basil. Hot tea. And big spoonfuls of her homemade quince and sour cherry jams. I'll never forget looking out at the mountains you can see from her kitchen window, and tasting that food while sitting across from her made me feel like I never left, and that I can always go back.

  7. Thank you all, these were such lovely comments. I loved thinking about each of you and your Fisher-inspired meals. I'm picking a winner NOW. Back in a flash. xo

  8. YAY Sara in America! The paperback version of An Extravagant Hunger is yours. Email me with your address:

  9. I want to come over for a mug of hot tea and chat!
